5 Steps to Improve Your Mystery Shop Scores

5 Steps to Improve Your Mystery Shop Scores


Mystery Shoppers can happen at any time at your store. They are a helpful method for an organization to assess your store’s customer service, merchandising, cleanliness, and employee appearance. Although it will be a “mystery” of when they will show up, it is best to implement a plan with your team so that your store is in great condition.

Here is what to do in preparation of Mystery Shopping:

Create a Plan - Identify and break out the separate necessary tasks. Use your mystery shopping scores criteria as a checklist. Review company policies to ensure that they are being followed.

Distribute Roles - Reorder the necessary products and make cleaning assignments.  Ensure that everyone is properly trained on how to use the products and equipment. Provide as much hands-on training or instruction as possible.

Accountability - Allow your staff to take ownership of their assignments because cleaning can produce instant results and can be gratifying.

Incorporate CAF – By regularly using CAF© cleaning products in your store’s interior and exterior, you will be better prepared for when a Mystery Shopper does appear.

Recognition - Celebrate your team and provide encouragement. Remind your staff why being prepared matters -- it's all about providing the best experience for your customers and building your brand.

What to develop a successful cleaning program within your store? Explore CAF’s Training and Support Resources.

Editor's note: this post was originally published in April 2013 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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