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REACT® Rapid Response

REACT® RAPID RESPONSE Pack takes the proven technology behind REACT Fuel Spill Neutralizer and makes it even more convenient.  The easy-to-use, single-dose packaging eliminates guesswork and waste making the measuring and mixing process quick and easy.

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Product Features

react fuel spill neutralizer
react sprayer and packaging fuel spill neutralizer

Features & Benefits

  • fire suppression icon

    Suppresses fuel vapor flammability.

  • no hazmat icon

    No hazmat required for small spills.

  • Vector Smart Object

    Saves on labor and disposal costs.

REACT takes just 3 minutes to suppress fuel vapors and remove the flammability of a spill.

Suppresses Vapor Flammability

REACT uses a revolutionary formula of eco-friendly, all-natural surfactants to render small fuel spills nonflammable – increasing safety and spill response effectiveness.

No Hazmat Required (for small spills)

REACT requires no absorbents or hazmat equipment. Just spray REACT on the fuel at a 1:1 ratio, walk away and let dry. No unnecessary downtime.

Saves on Labor and Disposal Costs

REACT increases response effectiveness by reducing the amount of time and labor it takes to respond to small spills – ultimately saving you time and money!

  • react before fuel spill neutralizer
  • react after fuel spill neutralizer

REACT in Action

Check Out Our Video Library to See REACT in Action

Whether you’re looking to increase safety or just clean up pesky small fuel spills, REACT is the number one choice for fuel vapor suppression and bioremediation. Check out our video library to see REACT and other CAF products in action.

Industry Uses

fleet vehicles

Fleet Services

Have REACT on hand for in-house fueling locations like rental car facilities, business vehicle lots and more.



Great for locations where all types of fueling practices are present.

house garage car

Residential Properties

At home fuel spills associated with cars, lawnmowers, or SUVs can be tackled safely and effeiciently.

Auto Repair Facilities

Helps to avoid hazmat and disposal costs where fuel drips and spills are present.

Industrial Transportation

REACT can be used for fuel spills associated with a number of industrial vehicles.


Product Comparison

  React Rapid response package kitty litter layer-78
  REACT Kitty Litter/Absorbents Other products
Environmentally Friendly    
Requires No Hazmat    
Quick and Easy
Reduces Flammability  
Requires No Additional Cleanup    
react rapid response fuel spill neutralizer

REACT® RAPID RESPONSE takes the proven technology behind REACT Fuel Spill Neutralizer and makes it even more convenient.  The easy-to-use, single-dose packaging eliminates guesswork and waste - making the measuring and mixing process quick and easy.

REACT Fuel Spill Neutralizer renders fuels nonflammable through a revolutionary formula of eco-friendly, all-natural surfactants. REACT allows users to quickly treat small spills without the need for absorbents, eliminating costly hazardous waste disposal - ultimately saving you time and money.

The REACT formula also enhances traction on surfaces where spills are present, reducing slip and fall injuries. 

Simply add 1 pouch of REACT Rapid Response into a 1-gallon sprayer and fill with water. Next, spray REACT on the spilled fuel, walk away and let dry. No need for ugly piles of kitty litter, bulky absorbent pads or expensive hazmat disposal costs. Once REACT has been applied, it takes just 3 minutes to suppress fuel vapors and remove the flammability of a spill. 

In addition to reducing flammability and suppressing vapors REACT bioremediates contaminants on-site, completely removing the fuel and turning it into harmless environmentally friendly elements. Thanks to the bioremediation process, REACT eliminates the impacts of a spill on employees, customers and the surrounding environment. 

Absorbents and kitty litter don't remove flammability. In fact, they can retain flammability even after the spill has been cleaned up. REACT stops fires before they start! Gas station fires cause $20 million in damages and are responsible for multiple deaths and injuries each year. Don't be another statistic - keep your station, employees and customers safe with REACT Fuel Spill Neutralizer. 


- No measuring required

- Premeasured pouches ensure that no product is wasted

- Quickly neutralizes fuel spill flammability

- Requires no absorbents for small spills

- Creates no hazardous waste

- Suppresses fuel vapors

- Reduces slip and fall liability

- Environmentally friendly

- Reduces labor and increases response efficacy

- REACT use meets NFPA 30a for operational compliance 


REACT Fuel Spill Neutralizer is Effective on: Concrete, Asphalt, Porous surfaces


1 Rapid Response pouch makes 1 gallon. 6 pouches are included in a case. Also available in 64oz Liquid Concentrate

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