Cleaning an oil stained concrete driveway the conventional way not only takes time and energy, but has the potential to damage your concrete and harm the environment. (If you have an asphalt driveway, we have the solution for that too. Click here to learn more about FORO®) It also can bring the wrath of the Home Owners Association (HOA) down on you. So instead of wasting time and effort on pressure washing for Concrete Cleaning, or risk washing harsh chemicals down the drains, use the EPA recommended method of removing oil from the environment (bioremediation) and use the following instructions for an easy, time-saving, eco-friendly alternative! For Industrial purposes, click here.
What You Will Need: EXIMO®, broom/push broom, or cleaning brush
Preparation: Using an outdoor broom, sweep away any loose debris. Ensure pavement is dry.
To Clean
1- Sprinkle a small amount of EXIMO directly onto the oil stain(s). Use just enough to thinly cover the surface area of the stain, avoiding excess.
2- Using a push broom or handheld cleaning brush, brush EXIMO into the surface of the concrete. Spread until stain appears translucent. Do not rinse off.
3- Repeat this process weekly for 4-6 weeks until the stain is completely removed.
Concrete cleaning can often feel like a daunting chore, especially when dealing with stubborn oil stains. However, the traditional pressure washing or the use of harmful chemicals is no longer the only solution. With the innovative approach of bioremediation and products like EXIMO®, achieving a spotless driveway becomes not just efficient, but also environmentally responsible. As homeowners and industrial professionals alike, it's essential to prioritize methods that are both effective and eco-friendly. So the next time you're faced with a grimy concrete surface, remember that the future of concrete cleaning is here with EXIMO®. Let's make our driveways and our planet cleaner, one application at a time.
What Is Bioremediation? Product Info/Instructions/Video