How To Remove Oil Stains From Asphalt

How To Remove Oil Stains From Asphalt

Asphalt is a durable surface that is well known for being used for parking lots, driveways, drive thrus, and forecourts. When taken care of properly, asphalt can last a long time but because it is a porous surface, it is susceptible to degradation. Gasoline and oil stains can deteriorate the surface which can lead to damage like potholes. It is best to be proactive and address oil stains as soon as possible.

There are many different methods that can be found online on how to clean oil stains. Some of the methods include using kitty litter, Coca-Cola, baking soda, dish soap, and pressure washing. However, these methods listed only address the issue of cleaning the stain, not preventing deteriorate below the surface.

By using FORO® Asphalt Cleaner and Hardener, it will clean, harden, and protect asphalt by penetrating beneath the surface to absorb fuel and oil stains. FORO is an all-natural method that uses bioremediation, absorption, and active ingredients to help the strengthen surface. To prevent future damage to your asphalt, follow these cleaning instructions.

What you will need:

  • FORO Asphalt Cleaner and Hardener
  • A broom for application


1. Make sure the area is free from debris and trash.

2. Apply FORO directly onto the stained area.

3. Sweep the broom in a circular motion, keeping in contact with the surface, until the product is fully dispersed throughout the oil stain.

4. Repeat steps one and two 2-3x weekly. FORO will continue to clean up oil in addition to hardening and protecting asphalt from further damage.

After using FORO, you will walk away with a cleaner, more durable surface. You’ll also save lots of time and money on costly cleaning products and asphalt repairs in the future.

Editor's note: this post was originally published in March 2021 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.