A clean windshield is important year-round, but especially during the summer months. And with nearly a third of American’s hitting the road this summer (and another 51% undecided), c-stores are sure to see more traffic at the pump — and squeegee buckets. From pesky bugs splattering on the windshield to rain showers and pollen taking residence on the glass, c-store customers will be looking to clean them more often. Bottom line? You need to keep your squeegee buckets and windshield cleaning stations clean.
Why? Two words: Swamp bucket. This happens when windshield washer fluid sits in a bucket for days on end without being changed. What starts as a fresh solution quickly becomes a recipe of dead bugs, road grease, grime, salts, and dirt. Add in the scorching heat of the summer sun, and you’ll likely encounter a nasty, slimy film, causing the solution to become chunky and unusable. With all that, you can imagine what it smells like, too.
The solution? ORUS® Squeegee Bucket Solution Concentrate. Armed with this — and our tips for a cleaner, fresher windshield cleaning station — you’re sure to impress at the pump and avoid turning valuable customers away.
Replace your solution every day
This should go without saying, you should replace your windshield solution every single day. With ORUS, you can start each day with the highest quality cleaner that’s effective on windshields while preventing a bunch of buildup and smell. During especially hot and busy days, consider checking your squeegee buckets several times throughout the day, as some may get more use than others or encounter more exposure to elements. Use this handy CAF Clean and Disinfect Daily Checklist (PDF) to help keep better track.
Always start with a fresh bucket
When you replace your solution every day, be sure to start with a fresh, clean bucket. If you empty a dirty bucket and immediately replace it with a new cleaner, you’re likely missing a lot of dirt and grime on the bottom and sides of the bucket. This basically dirties your new solution the second you pour it into a squeegee bucket.
Don’t top off old solution
If all of the windshield cleaning solution hasn’t been used, it seems more time and cost-effective to simply top it off, right? Not so fast. Just like pouring clean solution into a dirty squeegee bucket, topping off an old solution makes the new solution dirty. You also won’t be able to pour out (or clean out) everything that’s built up in the stale solution, which means it’s already filled with grime, slime, and smell.
Use the right products
With ORUS in your c-store cleaning arsenal, you’ll provide customers with a fresh, clean, and effective windshield washer solution. What’s more, ORUS is more cost-effective than the typical blue jugs c-stores use that take up lots of money (and storage space). It’s also phosphatase-free and safe for the environment, which means it’s safe for your customers. Another added benefit? ORUS comes in two forms: a solution concentrate and convenient no-measure TABS — all you have to do is choose which works best for you and your employees!
Make windshields shine (and not smell) with CAF
Squeegee buckets may seem like a small task in the grand scheme of a clean forecourt, but it’s crucial they get the same amount of attention and upkeep as everything else. The last thing customers need is an off-putting solution and smell at your windshield cleaning stations and pumps. Looking for more ways to enhance the cleanliness of your forecourt and c-store? Check out our solution finder to explore more of our products to keep your business looking great.