Soda and sugar stains can cause many problems on concrete. Not only does it leave behind an unpleasant, sticky stain, but it can also continue to attract dirt and grime for quite a while. The cleanliness of your store matters and if customers notice soda stains around the outside of your business, they’ll likely assume the inside is just as dirty. This can leave a negative impression on customers, and they may not want to come back. To get rid of soda stains and make a good impression on customers, try OTIS Multi-Surface Cleaner.
What You Need:
- Two (2) empty (32 oz.) spray bottles - label one "OTIS" and the other "WATER"
- OTIS Multi-Surface Cleaner
- Access to Water
- Optional: scrub brush
Cleaning Instructions:
1. Create Your Cleaning Mixture
-Combine 3 scoops (tsp) OTIS and 32 oz. of water into OTIS spray bottle. Mix thoroughly.
-Fill WATER bottle with 32 oz. of water.
-Gather both spray bottles and continue the cleaning process.
2. Using the jet stream setting on the "OTIS" spray bottle, apply OTIS liberally to the sugar stains.
3. Rinse off the stain area using the "WATER" bottle. You can rinse and let it dry, or you can absorb it with absorbent pads.
Tip: If your soda stains are especially stubborn, apply OTIS again, let sit, and scrub with a deck brush. You can rinse and let it dry, or you can absorb it with absorbent pads.
Other benefits of using OTIS
There are several other uses for OTIS Multi-Surface Cleaner, making it a valuable product to have in your arsenal. In addition to tackling soda stains on concrete, OTIS can be used to help get rid of other stains like grease, diesel, and coffee. What’s more, you can safely use OTIS on virtually any other surface, including:
- Fuel dispensers
- Garbage cans
- Stainless steel
- Wood surfaces
- Tools and equipment
- Painted metals
- Plastics and laminates
- Rubber
- Food preparation and cooking areas
- And much more!
Pro tip: For larger surfaces, combine OTIS and water into a 2-gallon sprayer for quick and easy cleaning.
Turn to CAF for Outdoor and Indoor Cleaning
CAF products do much more than taking care of soda stains on concrete. From cleaning glass and graffiti to eliminating mold and mildew, we have all your outdoor and indoor cleaning products covered. Not sure where to start? Use our helpful solution finder to guide you to the most effective products for your specific needs.