While trash cans are convenient to keep garbage and waste on the inside, over time they can accumulate filth and residue on the outside (especially industrial bins.) You've seen it: customers trying to slam their partially empty soda cup and missing, or pretending to be Stephen Curry by shooting their sack of fast food garbage over the car- only to have it clunk on the top of the garbage can, spilling milkshake everywhere. We just shake our heads at this. And if we can't get to it quickly on hot summer days, it seems to dry and harden instantly. Here is an effortless way to clean the garbage stains and dried on drips from your trash cans with OTIS...fast & easy without scrubbing or using harsh chemicals!
What you will need: * 2 empty spray bottles * Permanent marker * Cleaning rag or cloth * OTIS Super Concentrate Cleaner
Preparation: Add three (3) scoops of OTIS to 32 oz. of water in OTIS marked spray bottle.
To Clean: (Frequency - As needed; Task Duration - 1-5 minutes per garbage can when used weekly)
1. Liberally spray initial amount of solution to completely cover the surface, and soak the tough dirt and grime. Apply again, using "jet stream" to help suspend the dirt and grime, allowing it to drain off. Using the jet setting and ensuring that the entire surface has been covered with OTIS, will help prevent streaking.
2. Rinse with water. For tougher stains, repeat steps 1-2. (Tip: Mark a different spray bottle with permanent marker for "WATER" and rinse will the surface is still wet with OTIS) For best results, use a clean towel or cloth to wipe surface dry.
In today's fast-paced world, cleanliness often becomes a reflection of our dedication to providing the best for our customers. While we can't control every errant soda cup toss or overly ambitious fast-food throw, we can take proactive steps to ensure our spaces remain clean, welcoming, and free from unsightly stains. With the simplicity and effectiveness of OTIS, maintaining the pristine appearance of your trash cans becomes not just feasible, but straightforward. It's about more than just cleanliness—it's about showing our customers that we care about every detail of their experience. So, let's embrace the power of OTIS and elevate our cleaning game to the next level. After all, a clean environment is an invitation for repeated business.
Product information, Training Video, Printable Instructions