How to Clean a Gas Pump Top to Bottom

How to Clean a Gas Pump Top to Bottom

When a customer comes to your fuel station, one of the first items that they will interact with is the gas pump. If the pump is dirty, covered in grime and the surrounding concrete is speckled with fuel drips, then they may take their business elsewhere. To prevent having an unhappy customer, we recommend regularly cleaning your gas pump top to bottom, to ensure a positive customer experience. To learn how to get a clean gas pump, follow the steps below.

TIP: Don’t forget to wear your PPE and make sure to cone off the lane or pump area that you are working on.


Step One: Clean Gas Pump Surfaces with OTIS Multi-Surface Cleaner

Needed Materials:

Create Cleaning Mixture:

  • Combine three (3) scoops (tsp) of OTIS and 32 oz. of water into OTIS labeled spray bottle. Mix thoroughly to dissolve.
  • Fill WATER bottle with 32 oz. of water.

Cleaning Instructions:

1. Spray the OTIS Solution directly on a cleaning towel or rag and then wipe the gas pump’s body. Start at the top and work towards the bottom of the pump’s skirt. Pay attention to cleaning areas where customers frequently touch like the nozzle/cradle and payment area.

  • To clean gas pump areas that are especially dirty on the pump, use the “jet stream” setting on the spray bottle and spray directly on the area.

2. After using OTIS, rinse the area with water to remove any excess residue and then wipe down damp areas with a different cleaning towel to dry off the clean gas pump.

Note: Otis Multi-Surface Cleaning Wipes also work great for getting a clean gas pump.


Step Two: Shine and Protect Your Pump with PROTERO® Premium Surface Polish

Needed Materials:

Cleaning Instructions:

1. After using OTIS, put latex gloves on your hands and finish cleaning the gas pump by spraying PROTERO on a cleaning towel.

  • PROTERO® is intended to polish the hard plastic, metal, and hoses on a gas pump.
    • Note: Do not spray and polish on glass or the pump screen display as it will leave streaks on the surface.

2. Wipe surface to polish and shine.

  • PROTERO® protects gas pumps from UV damage.


Step Three: Get Oil Free Concrete with EXIMO® Waterless Concrete Cleaner (Wet Application)

Needed Materials:

Create Cleaning Mixture:

  • Add water to the two (2) gallon sprayer
  • Using the provided scoop, add one (1) cup of EXIMO® to one (1) gallon of water. Mix thoroughly. Then, attach the pump handle and begin to pressurize the sprayer tank.

Cleaning Instructions:

1. Apply the product with a forward line motion, keeping the sprayer 12 inches from the ground. This process creates wide, long lines of EXIMO®.

  • Be careful not to puddle or apply too much of the EXIMO® product while spraying.
  • Keep using a back and forth motion, using even strokes.
  • Agitate sprayer often to avoid product settlement and reduce clogging.

2. Leave EXIMO® on your concrete for 4-6 weeks. Oil stains will disappear over this time.

  • Reapply weekly to avoid future stains.