Why CAF Chooses Bioremediation for Industrial Cleaning Products

Why CAF Chooses Bioremediation for Industrial Cleaning Products


It’s a word you may have heard to describe cleaning products but you’re not entirely sure what it means: bioremediation. Sure, it may sound like just another fancy term or marketing buzzword to sell cleaning products, but CAF knows firsthand how important bioremediation is for industrial facilities. 

But what is bioremediation, exactly?

Bioremediation is a natural process that occurs when microbes — which are tiny living organisms — come into contact with contaminants on surfaces and in groundwater and soil. In the right environmental circumstances, microbes eat and digest those contaminants. When that happens, the contaminants typically transform into small amounts of water and harmless gases such as carbon dioxide. It degrades the pollutants, making them less harmful to the environment or ecosystem.

Bioremediation is incredibly useful in an industrial setting, especially when it comes to cleaning. Read on to learn why we create products that are known for bioremediation, and how these products can benefit you.


Bioremediation is better for the environment

Bioremediation is the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recommended method for cleaning concrete stains. Because microbes naturally live in soil and groundwater, they are not harmful to humans — even when they’re applied to surfaces like concrete. Using bioremediation also eliminates the use of harsh chemicals that could pose a risk to employees and customers and release toxins in the air.


Fewer hazmat and hazmat fees

When you make the switch to bioremediation cleaning products, you no longer need to shell out tons of money (an average of $3,000-$5,000) for biohazard cleanup crews to help get rid of toxic chemicals. There’s also no need for costly pressure washing, which is actually illegal without a permit under the EPA’s Clean Water Act. That’s because any water left behind from pressure washing away soaps and chemicals can contaminate stormwater drains. As a result, you could be fined up to $50,000 a day by the EPA. When you use bioremediation, you’re able to safely and effectively clean up your facility or certain spills and materials without worry of fines (or damage to the environment).


The simple truth: bioremediation works

Oil, grease, diesel, coffee, soda — all of these stains seem virtually impossible to remove from concrete without tough chemicals. But that’s definitely not the case when you use bioremediation cleaning solutions. 

When applied to a dirty or contaminated surface, it penetrates deep into the pores of the concrete to remove stains entirely. It may take more than one application for stains that are larger and older, but it pays off knowing that you’re using the safest and most cost-effective solution. Want to see the results for yourself? Check out our EXIMO® Waterless Concrete Cleaner.


CAF’s commitment to clean products

At CAF, we hold strong to our commitment to effective and environmentally friendly cleaning products. Through bioremediation, we’re able to offer business owners, their employees, and their customers a clean and safe store, both inside and out. To explore our cleaning products — all of which use bioremediation — check out our solution finder and make the switch to CAF today.


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